Squashed Goalie
140 E Grandview Ave, Sierra Madre, CA 91024, USA

Eleanor the Goalie for the Mighty Mermaids was determined to block that free kick...but she underestimated the evil powers of the ghoulish, yet very colorful, meanie head soccer ball. The soccer...ball....has squished our sweet lil goalie, leaving behind her cleats, goalie gloves, and the cast from her broken arm.
Fear not, the goalie will use her special powers to reinflate and squish the meanie head soccer ball back...but alas, this will not happen until 1 day after Halloween. But if you know this goalie, she's much too nice to use her special powers to squish the meanie head soccer ball. Instead, she will use her special powers to turn the meanie head soccer ball into sweetie pie soccer ball...with glitter.
Vote by noon on 10/24 in person at Creative Arts Group, or on