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Art in Bloom - Call to Artists

Creative Arts Group is looking for artists to submit works of art in a variety of media including: painting, sculpture, glass, mixed media, fiber, jewelry and more in a range of sizes (miniature to large) to be considered for this beloved show.  All submissions are entered into a gallery that our 12 participating florists will review. Each florist will select 1-3 works to interpret in the gallery for our Art in Bloom installation where the original art work will be displayed with the floral creation. If your art work is chosen, we will be in touch with you by mid-February and will request that the art work be available in the gallery by March 1st – March 20th.


Submissions generally should  not be floral themed.


We have extended our deadline to: mid February.

Opening Night: March 7
Exhibit closes: March 9

Application Part 1:  Please send Creative Arts your name/contact information using this form. You may submit more than one piece.

Please include:

  1. Name of the piece

  2. Media

  3. Approximate size 

  4. How you anticipate the piece being exhibited (wall hanging, on a pedestal etc.)

Personal and Professional Information

Tell us about your work

Will you be submitting more than one piece? (2 total)
ceramic octopus underwater garden
3 peacocks and bird of paradise floral
floor to ceiling floral and abstract
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